Wednesday, November 4, 2009


There's a "Joy In The New Year" challenge over at tallgrass prarie studio.  The challenge is to finish those unfinished projects by the end of the year.  I'm counting 4 projects to try and finish - it will be tough since Christmas projects also have to get done, but I'll give it a try.  Here are my projects:

This one is practically done, since I only have about 2 feet of binding left to sew, but I wanted to add it so I was sure to have one project to count as finished.  It's a crazy nine patch pattern that I started in a class.  It's mostly Amy Butler prints and I love it.

This next one has a bit further to go...It's the Mod Quilt Sampler from Oh Fransson's quilt along.  I have all of the blocks done, but I can never decide on the color for the sashing.  My plan is to make this into two baby quilts.

#3 is the least done.  I only have a couple blocks put together and lots of pieces cut out.  This was from a class as well - I wish there had been more than one-night class so that I could have made some more progress.  It's all batiks and I have high hopes of getting this one finished by Christmas as a gift, but we'll see.

#4 is a baby quilt for a baby that was born way back in July.  Everything is done except fort he binding, and of course I ran out of the gray fabric that I wanted to use.

Hopefully I can finish these up by the new year.


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